Sunday, April 26, 2009

Life in General

Welcome to our humble abode.  
This is where we live. 136 woodbine lane. We live out in the BOONIES!  Being from a small town in Wyoming I totally thought that I understood the term boonies/boondocks. I didn't.

 We are 7 miles to the nearest gas station and like a mile of that is harsh-nasty dirt road! boo. other than that I enjoy living out here for the most part. We live with the Bradshaw Family 

This is Luke Bradshaw (17) rockin the sweet suit in this picture! He was a sweet heart for homecoming for the National Honor Society! yeah... he's a stud! Love this kid. he continues to make life more enjoyable and lightens things up with his humor everyday. He is good at everything! plays soccer and will tear your face off with his mad-bass voice! 

This is the lovely Ileah Bradshaw (15). She loves to put on make up and do her beautiful hair and go to town taking pictures of everyone. She is a mad-student (so good at studying and homework)! She is acing all her classes including the online Latin class that she is taking! She is great at making cookies and therefore has a gift to make the house a happier place!

 Finally we come to our beloved mama and papa Bradshaw. Gwen and Robert that is! 
 We are so thankful to them for having us in their home for such a long period of time! They are just the greatest! So jolly and so willing to help! 
Rob is so great! He just had knee surgery like 2 weeks ago. But that couldn't keep him down long! He was out and about tending the garden and painting the Northrup's home in no time! He puts his mind to something and nothing can stop him! 

 Gwen "the amazing" Bradshaw seriously never ceases to amaze me! She knows so much. Her food storage is like nothing I have ever seen before! She just taught me how to make bread and preasure-cook/can MEAT the other day! MEAT folks! That is just nuts! whether it's her fabulous food storage or her extensive knowledge on Family History she will rock your socks right off ladies and gentlemen!
 So there you have it... good times with the Bradshaws!


  1. Very cute, Leth! I'm so glad you're having great time...we miss you, tho!

  2. I miss you too tia! your blog is so cute by the way! Look at you with your beautiful family! You babies have grown so much! They are beautiful! Love ya!

  3. Cute new blog! Way to work it!
